Mountain Home State Park 2024
Mountain Home was our go-to camping spot for years because of the beautiful sequoia trees that dominate the park. The trees are enormous, it's hard to capture the awe in a photo.

A few years ago there was a fire in that area of the Sierra Mountains and the following year the heavy rains damaged the roads so the park was closed to campers. Now that it has reopened we went for a few day visit. We set up our trusty home-away-home tent, and after several overland trips from the car to our remote campsite with our supplies we were set.
It is such a beautiful and tranquil location. There's a creek a few steps away and the gurgling of the water was a restful backdrop.
I love the way the light shines through the foliage.
It didn't impact us where we were camping, but there were signs of the fire a few years ago.
The sequoia trees are so large and hearty that when the base of the tree is burnt it can still continue to thrive and grow. In fact their pinecones only release their seeds in a fire!

We enjoyed our time, reading, hiking and taking in nature.
In contrast to the mighty sequoias there are the lowly and lovely thistles.
What I love most is looking up through the canopy of trees, during the day, or at night when you can see the multitude of stars.

We look forward to visiting again soon.