New York City 2023
John was speaking at the CMT (Chartered Market Technicians) 50th annual conference, and Zoë wanted to attend the event to hear the presentations and meet fellow analysts, so we did a family trip to NYC. I didn't take my camera, but captured some images with my phone. The city was vibrant with green intimations of spring.

I attended the conference social functions in the evening to catch up with old friends in the industry. Especially fun was a cocktail hour/dinner on the floor of the NYSE. Even many of the pros had never been there.

My days were free to enjoy the city and see friends. On the rooftop of the Metropolitan Museum there was a Lauren Halsey installation. The concept and execution were great and ironically she is an LA artist and the exhibit will be moving to Compton next.
And the view from the rooftop was amazing, including the reflection on a glass wall.
While there was a threat of rain, the day stayed clear so we walked through the city, including Central Park, my childhood stomping ground.

I am a fan of Isamu Noguchi so visited his museum in Queens. He established the museum in his former workshop and is one of the rare artists to have done so during their lifetime. I was familiar with much of his work, but this really showed the full scope.
On Saturday it rained and luckily the plan was to meet my friend Debbie at MOMA, so we stayed dry and enjoyed a "ladies lunch" at the Modern Bar Room. There was a Georgia O’Keefe exhibition featuring her drawings showing her creative process. John and I are going to Santa Fe in a couple of weeks so this was perfect background prior to visiting the museum dedicated to her work there.
On the first floor there was a large-scale AI generated installation by Refik Anadol that uses more than 200 pieces of art from MoMA’s collection as input. It was enthralling and addictive to watch.

We stayed at a hotel in the Grand Central area, so took a walk along Park Avenue which featured some summer themed sculptures over several street corners.
For dinner one night friends introduced us to an excellent Georgian restaurant and John and I tried some local craft beers and a wine bar. It was only five days, but we fit a lot in and had a great time.
And an iconic old-time image of NYC, a rooftop water tower.